Wellness Tip for Strength

The big 5-0 is fast approaching, and I’ve been laser-focused on my fitness. It’s not just about aesthetics (though shedding a few pounds would be nice). It’s about being strong and flexible. Yoga and Pilates have become top priorities for me because maintaining my mobility is crucial.

My goal isn’t necessarily to “drop it like it’s hot” anymore. Instead, I aim to preserve my agility and move the way I want to move. We’ve all seen how stiffness and fragility can come with age, and I’m determined to avoid that. Who’s with me?

Do you have any fitness tips to share? Let me know what you’re doing to stay fit.

Dr. Kimberly VanBuren
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Meet The Author

With a phD in pscyhology and over 17 years of working with clients, I’ve gained a deep understanding of why people struggle to achieve their goals and have developed a passion for teaching the skills needed to navigate life effectively. It’s not a lack of effort, potential, or desire that holds people back—it’s the complexity of life and the limiting beliefs we often get stuck in.

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