Hi! I’m Dr. Kimberly VanBuren

I am a relationship expert, author, entrepreneur, and agent of change.

Kimberly got her start in the military, where she discovered her gift for building connections that influence and transform those in need. While on active duty on three continents, she studied psychology and became a licensed Marriage and Family therapist. She went on to work with veterans experiencing traumatic brain injuries.

She began consulting for the Department of Defense on work/life balance issues before starting her company, Balancing Act Life Management Services in 2014. Since then, Kimberly has helped hundreds of clients, families, and organizations better support their mental health and manage their lives.

Dr. VanBuren is a licensed psychology expert and is committed to equipping those around her to make positive changes in their lives through her work in program development, 1:1 client connections, and work with Fortune 100/500 businesses as a keynote speaker, author, and workshop facilitator.

Balancing Act Life Management Services started because so many of my clients were coming to me for the same thing.

It had a lot to do with work. We all often spend so much time at work and it ends up being more time than we spend anywhere else. So, I started working with companies to help their employees avoid becoming burned out. Pairing that with what I was seeing in my clients, it became increasingly evident that people needed help managing their lives and that we need to be trained how to assess ourselves and recognize when our behaviors aren’t aligned with who we know ourselves to be.

My goal is to give you tools so you can be enabled to make meaningful changes in your life.

Let’s Work Together!

I’m ready to help you make your life more balanced.