New Year New Us

Happy 2023 to you all; I hope the new year has settled peacefully. During this time of year, we hear a lot about making changes and improving our wellness. I believe it is because of how we end the year that we start the year hyper-focused on making positive changes.

We typically fill the last months of the year with dinner parties, additional work, family obligations, travel plans, and disregarding our self-care plans. We release our commitment to personal goals and routines to make room for all the extra things we take on during the holiday season. What if we adjusted how we distributed our energy all the time? What if we focused on consistency and boundaries to maintain wellness instead of allowing our health to be compromised and then rebuild?

Consistency means you do what you do when you are supposed to do it, without fail. When we are consistent, the things we do become routine and feel more like a part of our life than something we are adding to our life. This year I suggest we focus on being consistent with our wellness rather than allowing for disruption. Do you know how we do that? You got it…, Boundaries!!!

I feel like I am always talking about boundaries. That is because boundaries are mandatory when we are focused on wellness. We will continue to encounter people, jobs, and obligations that directly conflict with the goals and routines we implement for our well-being. Being clear about your needs and having a clear plan is first in this process. Knowing how to convey and implement your needs will be next. These are not easy things to do, but they are simple things to do. Get yourself a coach (like me!) to help you through the process and make this year different than the ones before!

Knowing how to set boundaries in your professional and personal life will be a game changer for you this year.

Dr. Kimberly VanBuren
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Meet The Author

With a phD in pscyhology and over 17 years of working with clients, I’ve gained a deep understanding of why people struggle to achieve their goals and have developed a passion for teaching the skills needed to navigate life effectively. It’s not a lack of effort, potential, or desire that holds people back—it’s the complexity of life and the limiting beliefs we often get stuck in.

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