Focusing on Doing for Others

I am feeling the need to focus on doing things for others. Especially our older population. Like you, I work and have a family and do not typically have much free time. But I have realized that it is not just huge gestures that make a difference. Little things count as well. A phone call to an older family member is more appreciated than you think. As we get older, often our friend circle becomes smaller. I am making it a point to reach out to all of the older people in my life, and I hope you will too!

Dr. Kimberly VanBuren
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Meet The Author

With a phD in pscyhology and over 17 years of working with clients, I’ve gained a deep understanding of why people struggle to achieve their goals and have developed a passion for teaching the skills needed to navigate life effectively. It’s not a lack of effort, potential, or desire that holds people back—it’s the complexity of life and the limiting beliefs we often get stuck in.

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